Friday, 5 October 2007

Stocking up on Vaseline, Shea butter and hair grease

I finally gave in to the fact that Winter is here (well as far as I’m concerned, I don’t like any weather below 20 degrees so it’s Winter in my eyes) and have resorted to walking with heavier coats or cardigans. This makes me sad. As I know from now on, my skin will start to lighten and become drier, my hair will lose some of its sparkle and the Vaseline will yo-yo in and out until next May again.

Also the whole having to wear coats thing will mess up my outfits. I’m not necessarily the most girly girl you’ll come across, but man, I hate covering up perfectly well put together ensemble.

So what to do? I don’t like winter coats, and things like them ski style jackets don’t suit me as I’m so petite. The whole comfort and warmth over style drives me mad. And how the hell can you wear your favourite bangles on your arm with a 20cm thick layer of wool coat on without cutting off the circulation to your hands?

Don’t get me started on hats. Now I have gone natural with my hair, I like to have the afro out, even a well balanced beret will not look hot; even if I cainrow the front half of my hair, it’s not a good look. I don’t know how the likes of Ms Badu can effortlessly always look so on point yet have an air of finesse. You’re told to layer to look hot and keep out the cold at the same time. I just look like a vagrant. A picky headed, dry skinned, chapped lipped vagrant.

So as I prepare for winter by stocking up on vats of Vaseline, Shea Butter and hair grease, I’ll pass by the Travel Agents and see if they’ll take Luncheon vouchers and hopefully book that dream two week holiday to Hawaii in November.
Wish me luck!


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